Forest County ATV Association Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2024 9:00 am
Hollywood Hills
I Meeting was called to order at 9:00am / Pledge of Allegiance was recited
II. Additions to Agenda: None
III. Adoption of August Minutes: Minutes were read by Mike Motion to accept was made by Kim, second by Wayne… Motion Carried
IV. Treasurer Report: Read by Mike, Motion to accept by Linda, second by Zane Motion Carried
V. Membership Report: 556
Old Business
- Ride Expo 2025: Dates are May 2, 3, 4th 2025 in Oshkosh. A booth has been reserved.
- Laona School Forest Trail: It was too late to apply for funding for 2025. We will need to submit for 2026. In the meantime they have agreed for us to us a temporary fix until funding is approved for 2026.
- Use of old tractor to pull magnet (instead of or until something is purchased: We will discuss further with the trails crew and give the Case a try. If it works we may need to look into spare tires.
- 2023 Taxes: Still pending update from KME: Still in the works
- Laona Shell Fleet Card Status: They no longer have house accounts and we needed to apply for a Fleet Card. The application has been completed and cards should be here soon. We will have 3 cards in total card for each tractor.
- Cost/Considerations of KME covering Treasurer work- still pending update from KME
- 2024 Election: VP and Treasurer
Side positions: Membership Chair and Merchandise. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these positions please reach out to Mike.
New Business
A. End of the year Volunteer Party: Will be at Wolf River Rendezvous. Date to be determined….
B. Mileage: Club pays 0.51 cents per mile for club business (not to attend meetings or events): Members were made aware of the mileage reimbursement program and forms were available. Additional forms are available for Mike, Teri or Tani.
- This applies to vehicles or atv/utvs. (to determine mileage, subtract ending mileage from starting mileage)
- Use mileage reimbursement form document the trip and turn into treasurer at a meeting or send into the mailbox
- Motion to Adjourn was made by Linda and second by Marv. Motion carried
Next Meeting: October 12th, 2024 at 9:00am Laona Senior Center