Meeting Minutes

Forest County ATV Association Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2024   9:00 am

Laona Senior Center

I.          Call Meeting to Order: Meeting was called to order by Mike B.

II.         Additions to Agenda: 

III.        Adoption of October Minutes: A motion to approve was made by Scott and a 2nd by Chuck. Motion carried.

IV.        Treasurer Report: A motion to approve was made by Linda and a 2nd by Lenny. Motion carried.

V.         Membership Report: 572 total members  

 Old Business

  1.  Equipment/Trails: Jake extended a huge thank you to all of the volunteers. We did our hand off to the snowmobile club on November 1st

We did have an issue with our brusher due to vandalism ($6300.00 approx.) that will be covered by our insurance company. Both tractors will be located in Laona by Kippy’s for pick up. Brusher to be stored at LMT Jake made a motion to donate $100.00 to LMT for Storage and a 2nd by Tani. Motion Carried.

The magnet will be stored by Mike Boneys. Jake did an inspection of all of our bridges. Some will need repair and will put in for funding next year. Jake did recommend that we get new signage for the bridges next season. Jake also mentioned that we are missing out on grant money. Please everyone keep their eyes and ears open for grants that are out there so we do not miss out. 

A few goals were set to get a committee for an “Off Road Trail Developer” example.. Mole Lake area. 

We will be looking into a Land Lease for a building in the future.

 New Business

A. Treasurer Appointment: Bill Doney had a majority vote approved. A motion was made by Tani and a 2nd by Jake vote Bill Doney as our new treasurer. 

B. Membership Coordinator Appointment: Brandi Roberts had a majority vote approved. A motion was made by Tani and a 2nd by Mary vote Brandi Roberts as our new Membership Coordinator.

C. Chamber Ad: Event dates for next season have been set! Our Kick off ride will be May 17th 2025 and Our End of the season party will be September 13th.  The cost for the ad was approved at the October meeting.

D. Donations: A motion for the end of the year donations for (2) in the amount of $300.00 to the 2 Food Pantries in Crandon and one $300 donation to Northwoods Shriners by Jake and a 2nd from Steve. Motion carried

E. Bylaw Update: Changes were reviewed for adding new roles and updating the description of what each role entailed with membership. A motion was made by Mike Boney and 2nd by Jake Pozorski for a first vote for changes made. Motion carried. Due to our next meeting not until March 2025 it was voted that the Officers and Board of Directors will complete the 2nd vote during the off season. Members at the meeting did agree this would be a good idea to keep things moving during the off season.

It was discussed that since the Trail Boss position is an appointed position that the bi-laws will be changed to add that they will be allowed a debit card.

Please note that we are still looking for a merchandise coordinator. This will be an appointed position.

F. Storage Unit: There are numerous members that have keys for the storage unit. It was discussed and agreed that we will change the lock on the storage shed. Mike will work with Laona Machine (Dave B.) to coordinate. There will also be a sign in/sign out log located in the storage building. Please make sure to use it so if someone is looking for a specific item it can be located easily.

G. CD’s: A motion was made by Mark Benotch and a 2nd by Dan Gryz for Bill Doney to go to Laona State Bank and get (2) 6 month CD’s for the amount of $10,000.00 each. Motion Carried.

H. IRS: Tani has been working hard on our 501C status and Mike will make sure that our 2023 taxes due on Nov 15th were filed on time so it does not affect our status.

I. Christmas Parade: Our club was invited by Tony Baker to participate in the Christmas parade in Crandon on Dec 7th at 6:00pm. Lenny has offered to pull his trailer with a UTV on it decorated. Kim has offered to pick up candy. A motion was made by Scott and a 2nd by Jake for Kim to purchase up to $100 of candy to throw at the parade. Motion carried.  

J. Volunteers: Please keep in mind that we are always looking for more volunteers to help the club! We are currently looking for help on the NST next season for brushing and dragging, Merchandise Coordinator, and Maps. If you have any interest or need more information please feel to contact Mike Biese or one of board members

Motion to Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Tani Plamannand a 2nd by Linda Peterson. Motion carried.  

Next Meeting: March 8th, 2025 at 9:00am Laona Senior Center